Screencast Videos – How to kick up the production level!

If you’ve never heard of a screencast video, they’re an entirely different product than animated explainers, because they focus more on the technicalities of platform or APP rather than serve...
screencast videos
If you’ve never heard of a screencast video, they’re an entirely different product than animated explainers, because they focus more on the technicalities of platform or APP rather than serve as a forward-facing marketing tool. Screencast videos are built with high-end HD video capturing software in combination with light animation and professional voiceovers. Unlike animated explainer videos, screencast videos are real representations of what happens when customers use your tool. The video viewer is able to see the experience of the platform or app (i.e. where to navigate, ease of use). Your dashboard gets directly recorded, and the footage can be displayed in a variety of ways. Alternatively, high-resolution images or design files can be used and brought to life for engagement purposes. For example, in the following video, a mock-up of a cell phone is used to display the recording:
  Wan to see more Screencast Videos Examples?  See this Screencast Video Showcase for Inspiration.   To create an engaging end result, additional effects like shadowing, fluid mouse movements, and zoom in/out are added – this also helps the viewer clearly understand how the app or software functions, and how they can best use it. Because engagement is always critical and screencast videos by nature do not have the ‘pop” of a fully custom illustrated video would have, screencast videos usually include short animated sections in between screen recordings for smooth transitions and typography / animated text to highlight important points. By adding custom component, it helps communicate information in a clear way, but also retains the viewer’s attention for a longer period of time. For any brands that offer digital solutions, like applications or software, screencast videos are an amazing way to market their offer – here’s why.

Make Your Product Easy to Understand

To make a purchase, your audience needs to understand your offer clearly. You can explain this in detail using copy and images. However, this lacks the exact explanation of the user experience a potential customer can expect from your product. Screencast videos walk your potential buyers through the complete user experience in a clear and concise way. Because it’s video, your viewers can understand how your product works, step by step. For software services, they can simplify a rather difficult to understand process of how to operate in a platform or mobile app. 

Engage Viewers for Longer

Unlike written explanations of your product, screencast videos do all the work for your audience. It doesn’t take much concentration to imagine what it’s like to use your product, since the video outlines it for them. Many companies have platforms or apps that truly need to be shown because prospective buyers may want to see how it works prior to purchasing, and others simply want to show off the inner working of the platform they put so much effort into building. Not only that, but a well-done screencast video is visually interesting and engages your audience. By adding extra snippets of animation, you can keep them on their toes and curious about what comes next.

Reduces Questions and Doubts to Increase Conversion Rates

People don’t like spending their hard-earned money. If they have any questions or doubts about the way your product works, this can be a good enough reason for them to leave your website and forget about buying. However, a detailed screencast video answers these questions in a clear and concise way, leaving the audience no time to think up of excuses. Before they know it, they’re engrossed in your video and they want to know more.

Outlines Key Features and Benefits

How does your product help your target customers alleviate their pain, or achieve their innermost desires? Normally, walking through your features and benefits can take a while, especially if it’s in text form. But screencast videos make it easy to outline these features in an easily digestible format. Because videos are a visual medium, you can start showing instead of telling.

Screencast Videos Help You Stand Out

If you have a product that is complex, expensive, seemingly boring, or anything else that makes it difficult to sell, screencast videos can go a long way to improving your conversion rates. Want your own custom screencast video? Get in touch with our team today to get a free quote!
#screencast videos

Wade Koens

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