5 Tips for Promoting Your Website Demo Video

FastCompany published an article today that covers the social aspect of branding yourself online. In a nutshell, the author breaks it down into five key points, which we at DemoFlick...
57495e404huqahe 5 Tips for Promoting Your Website Demo Video FastCompany published an article today that covers the social aspect of branding yourself online. In a nutshell, the author breaks it down into five key points, which we at DemoFlick wanted to share, because they happen to apply when promoting your website demo video as well: 1. Invest in your own website. Even if you’re actively promoting yourself via Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn or other social networking platforms, you have to invest in your own personal website as well. Your personal site serves as a sort-of home base where visitors can go to find out about you and your business. It’s a snapshot of what you do and what you’re about. 2. Blog. You don’t even have to blog on your own site. Use a site like Tumblr or Hub Pages to get eyes on your brand and just share short snippets, photos or multimedia that are interesting and give your brand a social voice. 3. Don’t make the mistake of posting hastily via mobile. The author references Ashton Kutcher’s blunder this past November, when he Tweeted about Penn State’s Joe Paterno without being in-the-know about the ongoing controversy. Be careful about what you review, give opinion about and push live. In fact, when it comes to matters of seriousness, it might be best to do it from your desktop device so you have a chance to review your update without so a slew of mobile distractions. 4. Network. Network. Network. Keep yourself visible and useful to your following. Whether it’s on Twitter, Google+ or LinkedIn, find new people to connect to daily, make an effort to post, reach out and/or just say hello. 5. Keep upgrading the number of communication outlets you use. There are countless of channels out there where you can tell your brand story and develop a loyal following. Find them, use them and love them. Of course, the one thing the author didn’t cover that we at DemoFlick are big proponents of is marketing your site through video. While Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn are great social marketing tools, he left out YouTube, Vimeo and other video sharing platforms. Most people don’t think about YouTube as being a social media marketing site, but it is — and it’s becoming increasingly effective at getting the word out about your business. Use these video platforms with the same guidelines that you use Facebook and Google+. Post engaging, professional, useful and entertaining content. Monitor your feedback. Interact and provide value.

Wade Koens

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