Are you a software marketer, app developer or online marketer? If you are, this article is really going to help you understand explainer videos and how they can help you market your product online.
Did you know, according to Google’s Shopper Sciences 2011 Macro Study, 84 percent of household decision makers use online sources to guide them when shopping for product? And for those who used online sources, 54 percent comparison-shopped for products online. And guess what the second-most-used search box in the world is? If you said “the one on YouTube,” you are right.
Google also released a book in November 2011 that says a huge portion of what Google calls “Zero Moment of Truth” (ZMOT) (the moments that happen online every day that influence shoppers to make purchases) is visual.
ZMOT says brand consumers are most likely looking for two specific kinds of videos:
1. Product demo videos and showcases
2. Expert advice an how-to videos
ZMOT also says, if you’re a B2B marketer you should also consider creating thought leadership and case study videos.
Where Do Explainer Videos Fit In?
Simply put, explainer videos (a.k.a. product demo videos) vary in subject matter. They can showcase anything from demonstrating how your product/software works, demonstrate its features/benefits or best practices for using your product.
Explainer videos range from simple one-person affairs to big-budget productions. And, they have a huge advantage over articles: The “Watch This!” factor. They are easy to share via social networks, email, web pages or blogs — they are a great way to get eyes on your product. That being said, it’s a good idea to format your video so that it is easy for customers to share.
Furthermore, when it comes to explainer videos, you really need to think hard about the creative and take into consideration the fact that they will be viewed online (and possibly via mobile device). Online users’ mindsets are different than people consuming information on TV or radio. Online consumers want video snacks! What that means is, there’s a sweet spot between 15 – 90 seconds (depending on your video content and purpose) where you will be able to clearly convey your message without losing your viewer’s attention.
Also keep in mind that online shoppers are looking for different content than they see on TV. While taking your TV ads and placing them online can score your some quick hits, try to feed your online fans information that might’ve been left out of your offline spot. Commentary, reviews, exclusive content or other information that might’ve been excluded can add to a rich online viewing experience.
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