How to Market Your Product – Objective No. 1

Let’s face it. Even if your official title is Software Developer, iOS Programmer or Android App Designer, somewhere along the line you will have to where the hat “Sales.” The...

Let’s face it. Even if your official title is Software Developer, iOS Programmer or Android App Designer, somewhere along the line you will have to where the hat “Sales.” The fact of the matter is, if you can’t sell your software or app or at least convince people to download and try it, all of your efforts creating a user-friendly, useful experience will to go to waste.

Objective No. 1 for successfully marketing your product begins before your product has even been developed. What is it, you ask?

Objective No. 1 is defining your target market.

Once you figure out who your target market is, your user experience, interface and design will fall into place. And after you launch your product, you will know who to contact, what kind of content to produce and where to distribute that content to get your target audience to see and try and buy your product.

So how do you define your target audience, you ask? Below, we’ve provided a list of factors to consider when getting started.

1. Think about who has a need for your product or service. Consider:

Geographic location
Education level
Income level
Family or marital status
Ethnic background

2. Think about the personal characteristics of each person in your target audience. Will your software/app fit into the lifestyle of your target? When will they use it? Why will they use it? Consider:

Personality type

3. Once you’ve defined your audience, reevaluate it with the following considerations in mind:

Are there are enough people in my target audience to warrant me creating this product/service?
Will my audience truly benefit from my product/service?
Is there a need for my product/service?
Can my audience afford my product/service?
Is my audience accessible/can I reach them without spending an unreasonable amount of time or money?

Once you define your target audience, the rest of your marketing efforts will fall into place. It will be easier to create engaging content that connects with your audience and place that content in spaces where you know they will see it.

Did you know video is one of the top ways to engage your target audience? We want to hear more about who you are marketing to and why. Let us know on our Facebook page at!

Wade Koens

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