The Anatomy of a Killer How It Works Video

Want to make a killer How It Works Video? There’s no secret sauce. It’s all putting your viewer first. The success of your How It Works video rests on a...

Want to make a killer How It Works Video? There’s no secret sauce. It’s all putting your viewer first. The success of your How It Works video rests on a series of core principles that define what makes it effective–what makes it good and what makes it work.

Your User Want to Know How It Works – So Show Them

This fact is sort of a head slap for some people. If you want to make your How It Works Video effective, you have to make it appropriate: for your viewers, for your business and for its context. A killer How It Works Video is appropriate in its delivery, its structure, its style and most of all in its substance.

A Killer How It Works Video Is … Appropriate

  • Right for Your Audience
  • Right for your audience means the right tone (fun? professional? edgy? laid-back?). Your video should make your viewers feel satisfied, and give them with exactly what they need, precisely when they need it and in the perfect format. Find out what your audience needs by going deep into their hearts. How? Hang out where they do; are they on Reddit? Facebook? Google+? Meetups? Find out where your users are, and Go! Listen! Learn! Then tailor your video to their needs.

  • Right for Your Business
  • A How It Works Video is appropriate for your business when it assists you in accomplishing your business goals. You have to establish your goals before creating your video, or you’re going to be swimming in the dark.  Think about strong calls to action such as “buy now,” “download,” “Like us,” “Follow us,” “subscribe,” and “join.” If you haven’t figured out that one sentence that sums up your business goals yet read the next paragraph, right now.

A Killer How It Works Video Is … Useful

Going along with our previous point, when writing the script for your How It Works Video, first define a specific purpose. After the script is complete, evaluate it against what you defined. To avoid meaningless, blanket-statement-type, purposeless and annoying verbiage, and cut out vague, useless goals like: “sell product,” “sell my product,” demonstrate and list the benefits of my product.”

If you can come up with a very specific purpose, more like “show how my product helps kindergarten teachers,” it is much easier to create a How It Works Video that serves its purpose.

A Killer How It Works Video Is … User-Friendly

On the web, user-friendly design means that the final product is made for real people, is easy to find, access and use.

A killer How It Works Video needs to load quickly, be optimized for mobile, be search-friendly and placed in a strategic position on your site or social networking channel like YouTube or Vimeo where it makes the most impact. It should be clear, concise and published on a platform that is accessible to the greatest number of users.

Wade Koens

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(edited) [16:34]