Definition of an Awesome Product Intro Video

While the term product intro video (a.k.a. intro video, product demo video, demo flick) is still making its mark in the online marketing space, the concept is not new. And...
While the term product intro video (a.k.a. intro video, product demo video, demo flick) is still making its mark in the online marketing space, the concept is not new. And if you’re here, you know that an intro video is definitely a key component in any product launch that hopes to make an impact online. Product intro videos (especially creative and engaging ones) are a fantastic way to pique your potential user’s interest in your service or product, especially if it is one that they might otherwise find bland or boring (can you say financial services or linen finder??), difficult to explain (for example HOUZZ, whose fabulous-ness you really have to “see” to understand) or something behind a paid or membership wall (like The Economist magazine). So what makes a plain-old product intro video into an awesome one? A product intro video that exudes awesomeness takes into account these five factors — and does them well. 1) It QUICKLY introduces your product/service to viewers and tells them how it will solve a pain point for them. That means you’re going to have to figure out what your viewers’ pain points are before you create your video. (Hopefully, you did this before creating and launching your software/product.) 2) It gives viewers a good idea of who the product was made for. So for example, if your product is a program that will help accountants manage their clients’ accounts, it’s not made for regular people who are trying to track their own solo business. Make that clear in your video. 3) It illustrates KEY FEATURES of the product (not ALL features). This is a big one. Nail down the key valuable features that differentiate your product/service from others on the market and then be sure those are highlighted in your video. 4) It gets viewers excited and leaves them wanting more. Hello? It needs to be fun, funny, interesting… something you would want to watch. Give them a reason to desire your product. Try opening a loop and leaving it unclosed — and the only way to close it is to download or make a purchase. Show them how it is going to change the way they do things. Thrill the viewer. Make her feel energized. 5) It tells a story. But don’t let your message get lost in the story you’re trying to tell. Does that make sense? You know what we’re talking about. Think of one of those commercials where the visual is very creative and the whole thing is entertaining, but when it’s over you’re still not sure what the product does, how it works or who it’s for. Yeah that. Don’t do that. We love helping people explain their product, software, service or website to the world — and that’s why we do it so well. If you want more, follow us on Twitter @DemoFlick or on Facebook at Contact us, we’ll answer!

Wade Koens

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(edited) [16:34]