How Small Websites Can Get Traffic

Sharing the Internet marketing space with big competitors can be daunting, especially if you’re a website owner with only a few people on the back end. Here are a few...

Sharing the Internet marketing space with big competitors can be daunting, especially if you’re a website owner with only a few people on the back end. Here are a few small tips that can help you hang with the competition.

1. Be an information hub. Start a blog the provides lists, links, tips and tricks that will help your target audience succeed in solving their pain point. Share this information on social networks where your target audience hangs out. There’s no point in having Facebook fan page if you aren’t going to nurture it. The same goes for Google+, Twitter and Linked In. Find out where your market is, go there and interact with them — don’t forget about off-line industry events and conferences.

2.  Focus on the community. Engage with your local community, or your target audience’s communities to support your website. Offer free advice, volunteer work or host an event, giving your website an approachable, relatable face.

3. Be proactive about providing phenomenal customer service. Follow up with people who reach out to you via email or phone. Make your help desk easy-to-reach and give users multiple methods of reaching out to you — by phone, email, Twitter, live chat or any other method that is relevant to your audience.

Wade Koens

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